How Men Can Set Themselves Apart From Others By The Way They Dress?

Dressing in a proper way has the potential of setting you apart from the crowd. As a man who is deeply rooted in the field of style, I agree with Edith Head’s quote that says “Men can be anything they want in life only if they dress for it” and on the surface, that may look bleak but in reality, the way you dress determines how other people see you or think about you.

This blog post will dive into this subject and explain three ways men can dress in a way that is different from ordinary men.

Men must wear what makes them happy

Previously, I published a blog post about why men must wear outfits that make them happy and one of the outfits are tone to tone outfits that somehow match. Men who want to dress like a key figure even if they are not popular, need to grab outfits that make them happy. Some men despise formal outfits and will barely try to rock a formal style and that is okay. However, there are men who hate casual wear and they prefer formal styles.

To be as happy as a dog with a bone, men must just select their favorite go to style and just rock them without thinking what people will say. Only you can achieve greatness as a man and that starts with being confident and happy with what you wear in public.

Men must prepare for greatness through wearing fitted outfits

Fit is king and to verify that, this website called Real Men Real Style, touches on fit being king in the interchangeable wardrobe. An outfit that lacks fit is a bad one and the most usual style that contains baggy fits is it fashion trends. Great men are those who prepare themselves for greatness and that leads to success and the outfits that can guarantee that are those that are sharp on the edge such as business casual, business formal and smart casual.

Men must invest in classic styles

Classic styles are those that are timeless and they last men a lifetime. Suspenders, dress shirts, vintage suits, bowties, accessories such as pocket squares(Handkerchief) and watches will never fade away in the market. Hence, Legendary Saint Lauren was correct when he said fashion trends fail yet style is eternal. To set yourself apart from the crowd, men must fish out classic pieces in their personal wardrobe to look as sharp as a knight’s sword. Think of the modern dandy or the vintage suits of the 80s to 90s and imagine bringing that trend in 2024, it will still look good because classic style is a timeless style and will never fail you.


To wrap this blog post, men can dress in a way that sets them apart from the others only if they implement the following factors.

  • Men must invest in classic styles
  • Men must wear outfits that make them happy
  • Men must dress for greatness through wearing fitted styles( Fit is king)


9 thoughts on “How Men Can Set Themselves Apart From Others By The Way They Dress?

  1. What an insightful read!

    Keep up the fantastic work in sharing your expertise on men’s fashion and style!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Sam for this encouraging comment. I look forward to writing and blogging more about men’s fashion and style! Have a blessed week

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Here’s to that! All the very best!


  2. I love classic styles for men and women, and I agree clothes must fit properly to avoid looking sloppy. Excellent post, Mthobisi.


    1. Exactly Eugenia💯
      Thank you for reading and commenting. Fit is king and all men and women need to wear what fits like a glove😀🙏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure, Mthobisi. 😉


  3. I love that you started by saying you men should wear what makes them happy and I so agree. When we’re happy with how we look and how we’re dressed we’re so much more confident. Great advice 👏🏽


    1. Exactly Pooja. You have understood the message of this blog post. Confidence starts with how you dress. When you look good you will definitely feel good.

      Thank you for reading and commenting 💯👏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome ☺️


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