How A Man Dresses In Life Determines Good Teamwork Or Poor Quality?

The phrase that “Teamwork makes the dream work” is evident in the mindset of players and the way they dress. A successful teamwork really makes the dream work because of the goal oriented mindset they have as a team collectively.

In regards to life overall, men who dress the part are seen as good team players who bring the best quality whether at work, sports, schools, home or at events. This blog post will explain and provide detailed info about dressing for successful collaboration with a good oriented team and the reasons for doing so.

Dressing classy shows that you are ready to create a classy team

Before I explain further about this point, I advise men to visit “UNFINISHED MAN” website using this link – to peruse about the benefits of looking classy.

Men who dress classy especially at formal events such as Weddings, Graduations and so on are the type that will create a classy team. They say birds of the same feathers fly together and I believe men who support each other either in tangible or intangible ways will achieve great teamwork and perhaps a good collaboration in future.

Just like coaches create a solid team that will foster success in the football field, so can classy men by inspiring the younger men to dress classy in future. Classy style elevates a man style yet sloppy styles don’t.

Dressing sloppy results in poor quality that crumbles effective teamwork

Sloppy dressing is looking awful in simple words. Men who want to be good team players start by looking the part and it does not cost a lot to look as clean as water. First of all, men must take care of themselves by ironing their clothes and it does not matter what type of outfit it is as long as the clothes are ironed in am impeccable way because a well ironed outfit nails first impressions. On the other hand, dressing spectacular instead of sloppy leads to a solid team effort that won’t crumble because the men already feel confident in what they wear.

Dressing casually shows that you are ready to create a relaxed team leading to men enjoying the quality of work

Relaxation actually makes work fun. Every man and woman needs to take a break and relax from the busyness of life so that your mind becomes as fresh as a daisy.

To create a good team whether you are a Manager, Teacher, Parent, Soccer Player, Doctor and a Blogger like me on the world wide web, relaxation is a must. Putting a lot of pressure on a team or the people will somehow lead to poor performance due to the constant overload, some don’t do well under great pressure hence the dress code must also not stiffen their body. Thus, men who dress casually wearing shorts and a T-shirts plus sneakers on a hot day are at an advantage because the dress code signals calm and relaxation compared to formal dress codes that need blazers and ties(It becomes hard to wear that on a hot day)

11 thoughts on “How A Man Dresses In Life Determines Good Teamwork Or Poor Quality?

  1. an insightful share, Mthobisi..๐Ÿ™


    1. Thank you so much Destiny. I appreciate your feedback my sister. Take care๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™Œ

      Liked by 1 person

      1. my pleasure and you too, take care๐Ÿค๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ™


  2. Excellent and insightful observations, Mthobisi! โฃ๏ธ


    1. Thank you so much Eugenia. I am pleased to read your comment. As Bloggers we need the constructive feedback. God bless your week!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Mthobisi. Have a wonderful week ahead.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you Eugenia. I respect your work as well!!


    1. Thank you Saania my sister. I appreciate your visit to my blog. God bless your blog๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™


  4. Relaxation is a must ๐Ÿ’ฏ very profound


    1. Indeed. Relaxation allows our minds to recuperate and that enables our mental and physical energies not to be depleted๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’ฏ

      Thank you for stopping by Irene๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

      Liked by 1 person

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