Why Looking The Part As A Man Is Not A Time Wasting Activity?

Making an effort to dress the part and come out looking remarkable is not a waste of time as a man who cares about his personal image. There are some men who cannot even take 10 minutes to check their dress code, if it looks good or sloppy? Being late to work is not an excuse to look like you are a homeless guy with no place to hide your head.

This blog post will delve into this interesting topic and explain in detail why looking the part is not a waste of time but it is worth the time no matter where you are.

Dressing the part allows men to focus(That is why formal suits do the job of achieving focus)

Men who wake up in the morning and get ready for work or be busy as a bee around the house need to look after their style and grooming. This can be done by cleaning or bathing themselves, ironing their clothes  and infusing them with modern age fashion details like watches. This might look little but it increases focus in men and other people will treat you as a professional that is skilled.

Dressing the part it is like dressing for success leading to total optimism (Positivity)

Successful men are those who follow this slogan that says “WORLD CLASS BEGINS WERE YOUR COMFORT ZONE ENDS” but what is important is that men who succeed are those who dress sharp because it leads to increased optimism meaning having a positive outlook in life. Any dress code that looks good on a man besides suits grants men that confidence for a better future.

Wearing blazers at home, work and anywhere allows men to look refined yet not overdressed

The third reason why looking the part as a man is not a waste of time it is because of the blazers. A blazer is a jacket that has 1 to 2 notch lapels or peak lapels is  appropriate for the working man. The blazer is one item that allows men to look refined without being overdressed.


  • Dressing the part separates men from the crowd of ordinary men. Two, dressing the part allows men to fully focus hence formal suits do the job of achieving that focus point.
  • Time is a precious commodity hence men need to spare a few minutes to looking good that will nail first impressions towards people because if you don’t dress the part, these people will not give their time nor money. They need a confident looking man who is serious.


6 thoughts on “Why Looking The Part As A Man Is Not A Time Wasting Activity?

  1. I agree that Appearance ranks HIGH. After all, โ€œYou never get a second chance to make a FIRST IMPRESSION.โ€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ


    1. Yes, well said my friend. First impressions last for that very reason and the best way to ensure people remember you, it is to dress cordially even when you are wearing casual styles.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts The Composer!!๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ™

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Definitely think dressing the part can help you get in the right frame of mind to work! And it does make a good impression!


    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your input๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Œ

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dressing the part separates men from the crowd of ordinary men.. absolutely, I love your insights ๐Ÿ’ฏ


    1. Thank you so much my friend Irene๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ™

      Liked by 1 person

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