Why Being A Slave To Fashion Does Not Help Men Become Self Motivated?

Self motivation is highly valued because it can shape and mobilise men and women to be better people and to even achieve great positions in the professional world. Men who want to dress better need to comprehend that they must first be motivated when selecting outfits that will give them the confidence to believe in their own goals instead of being a slave to fashion.

This blog post will deploy 3 essential reasons why men must aim to be motivated to dress better and which outfit piece should they select to dress in a decent way.

Self motivation enables men to take full control of their lives hence dressing formally indicates that

Being a slave to fashion, it is being attached too much to fashion brands and the latest collection out there which can affect your financial life as well. When you are highly motivated as a man who wants to dress better, you will be in total control of your life and that starts with the way you dress. People, family and friends can grant you hints and advice about what to wear if you are unsure but the decision lies with you whether to wear what they suggest or just wear what your heart wants by selecting your favorite go to style. Hence, there is a quote by Lexa that says “MEN WITH STYLE ARE GREAT BECAUSE THEY HAVE A SENSE OF SELF”

Self motivation enables men to get more energy hence dressing proper daily fuels them with the stamina to look respectfully

According to the Fashion Beans website, a quote by Charles Hix that states “Looking good is not self importance but self respect” and that quote rings true to the man who has adopted self confidence in his life. It is not easy to be self motivated when you don’t receive lots of rewards in front of your eyes but it needs a man to be in a state to practice gratitude daily. It can be as simple as being grateful to dress in a way that is signals good manners. As Tom Ford once said “DRESSING WELL IS A FORM OF GOOD MANNERS” (Kindly check such quotes via this website link – https://www.fashionbeans.com/article/best-quotes-mens-fashion-style/

Self motivation helps men to survive challenges resulting in them being self confident which is a form of motivation

Challenges are part and parcel of human life and all men both living and dead have encountered hurdles to a point where some became stressed out. In today’s age, where people attempt anything to survive such as scamming the living daylights of people, men must adopt self confidence in the process that will unleash the motivation required for them to dress confidently which will wipe away the challenges that are like a stumbling block. Men who wear proper styles even casual ones can certainly walk out of the door oozing with confidence with their head held up high because of the simple fact that “WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD YOU FEEL GOOD”


  • Self motivation helps men take full control hence a formal outfit is needed
  • Self motivation helps men to be respected plus full of energy and it enables men to tackle challenges by dressing confidently first of all.


5 thoughts on “Why Being A Slave To Fashion Does Not Help Men Become Self Motivated?

  1. “WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD YOU FEEL GOOD”, says it all, Mthobisi! Excellent post, my friend.


    1. Amen to that Eugenia. Those words stand as the summary of this blog post. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re most welcome, Mthobisi.


  2. Looking good is self-respect, I looove this ❤️


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