Why It Is Better For Men To Avoid Bright Colors On Neckties?

These colors on neckties are a must have for a formal dress code such as Business Formal since they are not very bright. THUS, BASIC COLORS RULE!

Avoiding bright colors on neckties is one thing that can save men from looking flamboyant(Flashy) in a formal dress code. Bright colors are in the fashion sense, flashy and colorful which are suited for current trends. When it comes to looking elegant in a formal dress code like Black Tie, bright colors are to be avoided like a plague because they bring down the formality of the dress code to a casual level(For the record, formal wear comprises of a variety of colors)

This blog post will deploy into this fascinating topic and outline 3 key reasons why bright colors on a tie must be neglected for good.

Bright colors draw a lot of attention (it is somehow a turnoff when presenting in front of bosses)

Ironically, there are bosses who have no problem with men expressing their style with the use of bright colors because they themselves wear such colors but the real problems arouses when a man wears a bright suit color with a bright necktie, that does draw attention and the flashy outfit distracts the audience watching the presentation.

For example, a pink suit worn with a pink tie really causes a lot of attention. For presentation purposes, colors such as navy blue, brown, grey, white, black, red and dark green are great because they are simple and allow people to fully focus on the presentation delivered on stage.

Bright colors don’t look professional on a formal suit

A necktie looks noble, orderly and honorable as well as professional. The advantage of stripping on a tie is that, it always looks professional in the eyes of people who want to conduct serious business. Successful men look the part in a tie that looks simple yet powerful(Like a black bowtie or regular long tie) and so do all those men who work industries such as Finance, Events, Business, Teaching, Science and Law. I advise men, to visit the Thread Curve website using this link – https://threadcurve.com/reasons-to-wear-a-tie/

Bright colors are suitable for accessories like pocket squares not on ties that need basic colors(Blues, Blacks and Greys ideal for work)

A proper necktie for a working man must be simple and colors like blue, white, grey and red look classy and neat on a white long sleeve dress shirt. Hence, it is wise for men to keep bright colors minimal and to have them at least on accessories like pocket squares on a suit jacket(It adds details and colors to the suit)

11 thoughts on “Why It Is Better For Men To Avoid Bright Colors On Neckties?

  1. IMO, bright colors on men’s neckties distract from a professional look. Ties are an accessory and should blend with the rest of the style and not overwhelm it.


    1. Perfect response Eugenia. Indeed bright colors are a bit unprofessional. Hence, solid dark to light tones in simple colors like white, black, grey and blue should do the trick.

      Thank you for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure, Mthobisi.


  2. Not really a fan of neckties at all, I agree that it just steals a lot of attention and not in a good way.


    1. Thank you for your honesty Pooja. Take care my friend and have a great day🙏💯

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure and have a great day too 😊


  3. Thobile Simelane March 15, 2024 — 2:15 pm

    Bhut wam i think it depends on a lot of factors. Some people might argue that men should avoid bright colors because they’re too showy or flashy, while others might say that it’s okay for men to wear bright colors as long as they’re tasteful and well-coordinated. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what makes the person feel confident and comfortable. There are definitely no hard and fast rules when it comes to men’s fashion, and also depends on type of occasion I guess. Just my thoughts 😊


    1. Yes sisi wami. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject. I really appreciate it a lot. Somehow your opinion is right. As for me, I prefer simple colors on neckties to project a professional appearance💯😀👏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thobile Simelane March 16, 2024 — 4:59 am

        You welcome wena bhut wam 🙏😊 and I believe your choice suits you cause I used to see your post since you give tips of men’s style it because you also in style you portrait things you do too.


  4. I’d never really thought about this, but you’re right. Bright colored accents (i.e., ties, socks, handkerchiefs) change the entire look and turn it into a spectacle of sorts, which may be okay, depending on the occasion, but not if you’re going for formal.


    1. Yes indeed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts my friend Kathy🙏💯

      Have a great day Madam


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