Why Maintaining The Standard Of Fashion Trends Is Not Necessary For Men?

Maintaining the standard of fashion trends is really not mandatory as a stylish man. Why is it not necessary? Well, it is because fashion trends are expensive and wasteful hence they can be dumped from time to time. This blog post will list 3 key reasons why men must not aim to maintain the high standard of fashion trends.

Fashion trends will never build an interchangeable wardrobe

According to Real Men Real Style, there are some benefits of building an interchangeable wardrobe. One, it is that there are no worries since everything matches and two there is less clutter in your wardrobe because of having less clothing. This is way better compared to fashion trends that don’t have matching pieces and have more clutter in a man’s wardrobe. Hence, it is wise to just stick to your personal style.

I advise men to visit RMRS(Real Men Real Style) article about the interchangeable wardrobe using this URL – https://realmenrealstyle.com/build-interchangeable-wardrobe/

Fashion trends are costing men an arm and a leg

Another reason why men must not bother with purchasing fashion trends, it is that they are quite costly or expensive with outfit pieces costing like thousands. Better just keep the standard low key and dress simple yet edgy.

Fashion trends easily fade away

The last reason why most men must remove the thought of maintaining standard on their minds, it is because of the fact that trends easily vanish in the market. Trends are not always around long to last compared to classic timeless style that stands the test of time.


  • Fashion trends cost men an arm and and a leg plus they can’t build an interchangeable wardrobe
  • Fashion trends fade away


2 thoughts on “Why Maintaining The Standard Of Fashion Trends Is Not Necessary For Men?

  1. All true but new trends aren’t about keeping the consumer looking good (in the case of clothing), they’re about creating artificial demand to make companies wealthier. Doesn’t matter what type of product we’re talking about. 😉


    1. Yes, somehow you are right about that Silk Cords. Clothing companies selling trends aim to get more money💯💰

      Thank you for sharing your input and for the feedback👍

      Liked by 1 person

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