Why Men Must Not Attempt To Dress Like An Imposter For Acceptance?

Men who truly value their lives and who want to succeed in a world full of trouble,  need to start being authentic. Dressing like a man who is a celebrity is absolutely a waste of time and worse of all even calling yourself a “Super Celebrity” is a sign that you don’t value yourself and you adopt failure since you desire a life that was not meant for you nor suited for you.

Dressing like an Imposter is the same as shooting yourself on the foot because you are wearing a fake mask for the sake of getting a pat on your back and for the public to accept you

This blog post will list and explain only 3 reasons why dressing like an Imposter does not help men become acceptable to society.

At the end of the day, the society you are trying too hard to impress will eventually expose you for being a Liar and a Fake Man. Thus, wear what you have instead of attempting to look like so and so.

>Dressing like an Imposter takes away your freedom to wear what your heart really desires

Real men do not even think of copying another man’s dress code let alone his lifestyle. People who live a life that is truthful, happy and fulfilling are those that do not allow minor things such as “Comparison” to occupy their lives.

When a man starts dressing like Mr. Bill Gates for example, knowing very well that he cannot afford the styles of such expensive taste in men like that who wear costly garments, starts to lose his freedom because he put all his efforts and shifted his minds to be like the elite guys. To be free in life as a man, just be yourself and wear what you have. (Although there is nothing wrong wanting to dress like Bill Gates, just don’t think you will replace him, be yourself)

>Dressing like an Imposter will not enable you to become fully confident

A confident man adopts behaviors such as smiling often, complementing others and maintains eye contact. An Imposter is like a  criminal, he hides his face in public and barely looks at people in the eye. In as much as Celebrities have their own problems, a real Celebrity acknowledges his or her behavior that it becomes a norm to other people, which is why the Celebs who are humble don’t react differently in public. Thus, men must be happy and confident by wearing what they love instead of mimicking another man’s lifestyle which does not suit you.

>Dressing like an Imposter is akin to wearing what people see on social media without contemplating the results

Social media has its good side and bad dark side. The world today in 2024 is now driven by social media and by the looks of it, this social media and digital technology is here to stay. Tech skills are very paramount in today’s fast paced industry and it has become a key aspect in all industries even in fashion.

In as much as social media enables the easy access to information, linking people and communicating with people all over the world, there are disadvantages that are attached with this not so rosy social media networks. All people from all ages whether young or old now have complete access to social media platforms even those who are in the working industry use social networks to attract new and existing clients

Thus, men must not wear the “Imposter Mask” by dressing in a way that does not define them because the results lead to shame, regret and you might end up being a laughing stock to society.


  • Dressing like an Imposter takes away your freedom to wear what you really love (Be Authentic Gents to always be happy with what you wear)
  • Dressing like an Imposter is akin to wearing what people see on social media without understanding its dire impacts.
  • Dressing like an Imposter will not at all enable men to become fully confident in life.


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